About Us

Jaclyn Schoknecht, Founder & Designer
WELCOME to Dessous Loungewear! I founded this company for myself, my friends and women like us...women who are shocked to find themselves in the second half of life and relishing the journey. We’re Gen Xers still in our checkered Vans and concert t-shirts, but wondering why someone keeps turning up the heat! We’re Baby Boomers concerned about the state of the planet we’ll be leaving to our kids and grandkids. We’re Millennials doing our best to juggle work and family. We want to be stylish, but we value comfort. We crave the adventure of travel, but are always happy to return back home. We’re educated and informed while still being well aware of the innumerable things we don’t know.
Our simple, chic designs are perfect for your busy life! We at Dessous Loungewear believe a caftan is the ideal garment. It's ageless and timeless while still being modern, stylish and comfortable. Easy and free-flowing, a caftan works for women of all sizes and shapes and for virtually any occasion. What other single garment could you wear for sleeping, running errands, breastfeeding, in a Zoom meeting, cooling down after a workout, on the beach, at a formal event AND while hosting a dinner party?!
Dessous is a slow-fashion company for every woman who wants chic, comfortable, timeless clothing that’s easy on the Earth. We believe the most important thing underneath it all...is you.
xx, Jaclyn